Sawm | Fasting In Ramadan

Sawm(Embarking on a Spiritual Journey During Ramadan) Fasting during Ramadan, the fourth pillar of Islam, transcends mere abstinence from food and drink. It’s a transformative journey, a crucible of self-reflection, and a profound experience that shapes the lives of over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. A Sacred Month Steeped in Significance: Ramadan, the ninth month of …

Shahada | Tawhid | Oneness of God

Shahada (The Cornerstone of Faith, Echoing Through Eternity) Shahada, the first pillar of Islam, stands as a cornerstone of faith, its declaration reverberating through time and across cultures. More than just words, it embodies a profound surrender to the divine, shaping the lives and identities of over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. The Power of Declaration: …

Pillars of Islam

The Pillars of Islam: Anchoring Faith and Shaping Lives Islam, a religion embracing over 1.8 billion followers worldwide, finds its foundation in five core practices known as the Pillars of Islam. 1. Shahadah(The Declaration of Faith) The very first pillar, Shahadah, represents the base of Islamic belief. It is a simple yet profound declaration – …

Women in Islam | Equality, Rights

The Uplifted Status of Women in Islam: A Beacon of Dignity and Respect Throughout history, the portrayal of women’s roles in various societies has been marked by disparity and often shrouded in misconceptions. Islam,  offering a unique perspective that elevates the status of women, granting them rights, responsibilities, and respect often unmatched in other traditions. …

Quran | Words Of Allah

The Echoing Word: Exploring the Depth and Impact of the Quran The Quran, a single word carrying the weight of eternity, resonates through the ages, captivating hearts and guiding lives. It’s not simply a book; it’s a divine revelation, a symphony of words whispered from the heavens to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), forever altering the course …

Muhammad | Who was Muhammad(pbuh)?

  Muhammad Muhammad was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, the son of Prophet Ibrahim. -PBUT- Muhammad, a member of the Quraysh tribe and the son of Abdullah and Abdul Muttalib. His father passed away before he was born, and he was cared for first by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and then by his uncle, …

Salat | Momin’s Miraj

The Pillar of Faith: Unveiling the Significance of Salat Salat, the five daily prayers, stands as the second pillar of Islam, forming the bedrock of a Muslim’s life and connection with Allah (SWT). More than just a ritual, it’s a spiritual journey, a conversation with the Divine, and a source of immense inner strength and …

Difference in men’s and women’s prayer

Men’s and women’s prayer   The right view is that there is no distinction between a woman’s prayer and a man’s prayer. What some jurists have said about the differences is not supported by any evidence.   The following were the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that you …

Islam | FAQs about Islam

Curious about Islam?  Islam is the second-biggest religion on the planet after Christianity, with around 1.8 billion Muslims around the world. As one of the three Abrahamic religions — the others being Judaism and Christianity — it also is a monotheistic confidence that reveres one god, called Allah. Islam, a religion that traces its roots …