Allah | Who is Allah?

Allah Almighty 

There is only one God in Islam, who is Allah. Allah is omniscient. He knows everything a man knows, and even what lies blind to his eyes. He is the Lord of impossible.


The Prophet Muhammad () said: “Allah is more to His servant than a mother to her baby.”

The king of universe loves you!


These incorporate the Maker, the Lord, the Almighty, and the All-Diviner. Two significant titles of Allah happen in an expression that commonly introduces texts: Bismillah, al-Rahman, al-Rahim (for the sake of Allah, the Caring, the Kind).


Trees, suns, stars, seas, Heavens, lands, galaxies, black Holes and the entire universe is created by Him, and would be destroyed by Him.  He only says to it: ‘Be’, and it becomes.


 Nothing can ever happen unless it is caused or at least permitted by Allah, so when making plans of any kind, Muslims typically say In Sha‘ Allah (God willing).


“Transcendent is He who created all the pairs.”

        [ Qur’an, 36:36]

Who do you think Allah is?

  He is “The Most Forgiving”. He wants to save you from Narr(Fire!).


Why there are so many names of Allah | Does God  changes?


The answer of this question is quite simple. If you change someone’s name,  only the name changes, not the person. 

There are multiple reasons why Allah has so many names in Islam, known as the 
99 Names of Allah(Asma-ul-Husna).

Each name of Allah highlights a specific divine quality or attribute. These names reveal different aspects of His nature, such as His mercy, compassion, justice, power, and knowledge.

Emphasis on oneness|  While there are many names, they all point to the singularity and oneness of Allah. None of the names imply separate gods or deities; they all emphasize the singular essence of Allah with various facets.

Each name offers a distinct way to connect and relate to Allah. Depending on your needs or emotions, you can invoke a specific name that resonates with you at that moment. This allows for a personalized and intimate relationship with the divine.

Reciting and reflecting on the names of Allah is a form of spiritual practice and dhikr (remembrance of God). This helps Muslims stay mindful of Allah throughout the day and strengthen their faith.

Each name carries specific meaning and guidance. Invoking specific names can offer comfort and hope in times of difficulty or strength and motivation for good deeds.

The 99 Names of Allah are considered a source of literary beauty and richness in Arabic. They have inspired poets, scholars, and artists for centuries and continue to be a central theme in Islamic art and calligraphy.

Many of the names are used in prophetic traditions and stories mentioned in the Quran and hadiths. This connects contemporary Muslims to their faith’s history and tradition. For more Jump here  

It’s important to remember that understanding the full depth and meaning of each name requires study and contemplation. Numerous resources are available to learn more about the 99 Names of Allah, and many Muslims dedicate time to studying and reflecting on them throughout their lives.

I hope this  helps you understand why Allah has so many names and the significance they hold within Islam.

Does Allah have a form or image? 

No! Allah does not have a physical form or image in the way we understand them. The Quran and Islamic teachings are clear on this point. Several verses emphasize His transcendence:

“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, All-Seer.” (Quran 42:11)

“He is not a body, nor a substance circumscribed with limits or determined by measure; neither does he resemble bodies as they are capable of being measured or divided.”


This means that Allah is beyond the limitations of our human comprehension. He cannot be imagined or depicted in any physical form, shape, or color.

However, this doesn’t mean that He is completely unknowable. We can understand Allah through His attributes and actions as revealed in the Quran and the practices of Islam. For example, He is described as:


The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (Quran 1:1)

The All-Knowing, the All-Wise (Quran 2:2)

The Just, the Forgiving (Quran 2:153)

The Creator, the Sustainer (Quran 67:24)

By reflecting on these attributes and His actions in the world, we can gain a deeper understanding of His nature and His relationship with creation.


However, the core principle remains the same: Allah is not in any way comparable to our physical reality and cannot be confined to an image or form.


Remember, seeking knowledge with an open mind and approaching your own understanding with humility are essential in your spiritual journey.



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