Islam | FAQs about Islam

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Curious about Islam? 

Islam is the second-biggest religion on the planet after Christianity, with around 1.8 billion Muslims around the world. As one of the three Abrahamic religions — the others being Judaism and Christianity — it also is a monotheistic confidence that reveres one god, called Allah.

Islam, a religion that traces its roots to the 7th century CE, holds a vast treasure of knowledge encapsulated in its holy scriptures, the Quran, and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, known as the Sunnah. In this article, we delve into the core tenets of Islam, exploring the Quran, Sunnah, and Hadith, while addressing common questions that often arise regarding the Quran.


1. The Quran: Divine Guidance in Words:

The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, is believed by Muslims to be the literal word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. It is a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of life, including morality, law, and spirituality. The Quran is written in Arabic and is divided into chapters called Surahs, which are further divided into verses known as Ayahs.

2. The Sunnah: Following the Prophet’s Path:

The Sunnah refers to the practices, sayings, and actions of Prophet Muhammad, serving as a practical demonstration of the Quranic teachings. Compiled in various collections, the Sunnah provides guidance on how to apply the Quranic principles in daily life. Together, the Quran and Sunnah form the foundation of Islamic theology and jurisprudence.

3. Hadith: Preserving the Prophet’s Wisdom:

Hadiths are narrations or reports about the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad. Scholars meticulously compiled Hadith collections, categorizing them based on authenticity. While the Quran is the primary source of guidance, Hadiths supplement and elaborate on specific aspects, offering a deeper understanding of the Prophet’s teachings.

4. Exploring the Quranic Themes:

The Quran covers a wide range of themes, including monotheism, morality, guidance for personal conduct, and laws for societal organization. It emphasizes justice, compassion, and the importance of seeking knowledge. The Quran also delves into stories of previous prophets, illustrating moral lessons and guidance for believers.

5. Common Themes in the Sunnah:

The Sunnah expands upon the Quranic themes, providing practical examples of how to implement the Quranic teachings. It covers aspects of worship, family life, ethics, and interactions with others. The Sunnah is considered indispensable for understanding the Quran in its proper context.

6. Hadiths as a Source of Wisdom:

Hadiths serve as a reservoir of wisdom, offering insights into the Prophet’s character, values, and interpersonal relationships. They provide context for Quranic verses and help resolve ambiguous issues not explicitly addressed in the Quran.

a.   Is the Quran Translatable?

Yes, the Quran has been translated into numerous languages. However, Muslims regard the original Arabic text as sacred. Translations are considered interpretations, and scholars recommend learning Arabic to fully grasp the nuances.

b. What is the Significance of Surah Al-Fatiha?

Surah Al-Fatiha is the opening chapter and is recited in every unit of the Muslim prayer. It is considered a summary of the entire Quran, encapsulating key themes of worship, guidance, and seeking Allah’s mercy.

c. How Should One Approach the Quran?

Muslims approach the Quran with humility, seeking guidance and reflection. Recitation, memorization, and contemplation are encouraged to deepen one’s connection with the divine message.

d. What Does the Quran Say about Other Prophets?

The Quran acknowledges numerous prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, considering them messengers of God with similar fundamental messages.

e. Does the Quran Promote Violence?

No, the Quran promotes peace and justice. Verses often taken out of context are best understood in the historical and linguistic context. Islam condemns aggression against innocents.

f. How is the Quran Preserved?

The Quran has been meticulously preserved in its original language, with millions of Muslims memorizing the entire text. Written copies are widespread, and technological advancements ensure accurate preservation.

g. Are Women Given Equal Status in the Quran?

Yes, the Quran emphasizes the fundamental equality of men and women. While gender roles may differ, both are considered equal in the sight of God.

h. Does the Quran Address Science?

The Quran contains verses that are in harmony with many scientific discoveries. However, it is not a scientific textbook, and its primary purpose is spiritual guidance.

i. Can Non-Muslims Read the Quran?

Yes, the Quran is accessible to all. Many translations are available, offering insights into Islamic beliefs and practices. Interfaith dialogue is encouraged.

This guest post by Mariam offers unique insights on this topic.

What is the Miracle of the Quran?

Muslims believe the Quran itself is a miraculous revelation, challenging humanity to produce anything like it. Its linguistic beauty, guidance, and historical accuracy are considered miraculous.

Islam, with its profound emphasis on divine guidance through the Quran, the exemplification of teachings in the Sunnah, and the wisdom preserved in Hadiths, offers a comprehensive framework for believers. The Quran remains a timeless source of inspiration and guidance, answering the fundamental questions of human existence while promoting peace, justice, and compassion.

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