Muhammad | Who was Muhammad(pbuh)?




Muhammad was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, the son of Prophet Ibrahim. -PBUT-
Muhammad, a member of the Quraysh tribe and the son of Abdullah and Abdul Muttalib. His father passed away before he was born, and he was cared for first by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and then by his uncle, Abu Talib, after his grandfather passed away.


The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is a profound journey that spans over six decades and has left an indelible mark on the course of human history. Orphaned at a young age, he faced the challenges of life with resilience and integrity, earning the name “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy) and “Al-Sadiq” (the truthful) from his fellow Meccans.


Even the sceptic Abu Jahl said: “O Muhammad! We cannot call you a lair”


In his early years, Muhammad worked as a merchant and gained a reputation for his honesty and fair dealings. His character and integrity caught the attention of Khadijah, a wealthy and noble businesswoman, who later became His wife. Despite the age difference, their marriage was built on a foundation of mutual respect and love, and Khadijah played a pivotal role in supporting Muhammad through the challenges that lay ahead.


The turning point in Muhammad’s life came when he was around 40 years old. He would retreat to the Cave of Hira, seeking solitude and reflection. It was during one of these retreats, in the month of Ramadan, that he received the first revelation from Allah through the angel Gabriel. The words “Iqra” or “Read” marked the beginning of a series of revelations that continued over the next 23 years, forming the basis of the Quran, the holy book of Islam.


Initially overwhelmed by the magnitude of the divine message, Muhammad found solace and support in the unwavering belief of his wife Khadijah and his close companion, Abu Bakr. As he began to share the message of monotheism and the oneness of Allah with the people of Mecca, he faced vehement opposition from the Quraysh tribe, who were staunch polytheists and feared the challenge to their established beliefs.


The early years of prophethood were marked by persecution and hardship. Muhammad and his followers faced boycotts, economic sanctions, and social ostracism. The situation escalated to the point where the believers sought refuge in a valley called Shi’b Abi Talib, enduring years of isolation and hardship. The hardships faced by the early Muslim community during this period, known as the Meccan period, strengthened their resolve and deepened their faith.


Despite the challenges, Muhammad’s message resonated with a diverse group of people who were disenchanted with the prevailing social and economic injustices. His teachings emphasized compassion, justice, and equality, challenging the status quo and advocating for the rights of the marginalized. The Islamic concept of brotherhood, regardless of tribal or racial affiliations, was a revolutionary idea that united people under the banner of monotheism.


In the 10th year of prophethood, Muhammad experienced the miraculous Night Journey and Ascension (Isra and Mi ‘raj), during which he traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascended through the heavens. This event further affirmed his divine mission and strengthened the resolve of his followers.


As opposition in Mecca intensified, Muhammad faced personal tragedies with the loss of his beloved wife Khadijah and his uncle Abu Talib. Despite these emotional setbacks, he continued to convey the message of Islam with unwavering determination. The turning point came with the event known as the Pledge of Aqaba, where the people of Yathrib (later renamed Medina) pledged allegiance to the Prophet, inviting him to seek refuge in their city.


In 622 CE, Muhammad, along with his close companion Abu Bakr, made the historic journey of Hijra (emigration) to Medina. This marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar and a new phase in the Prophet’s life. The establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina provided a platform for the implementation of Islamic principles and governance.


Medina became a melting pot of diverse tribes and communities, and the Constitution of Medina laid the foundation for a pluralistic society based on justice and mutual respect. The Prophet Muhammad engaged in diplomatic efforts, forming alliances with various tribes and negotiating treaties. The Battle of Badr in 624 CE, fought against the Quraysh of Mecca, marked a crucial moment in the defense of the nascent Islamic state.


Over the next years, a series of battles and conflicts ensued, including the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench. These trials tested the resilience of the Muslim community and provided valuable lessons in patience, perseverance, and trust in Allah. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 628 CE, though initially perceived as a setback, laid the groundwork for the final peaceful conquest of Mecca.


In 630 CE, after years of exile, Prophet Muhammad led a peaceful and triumphant return to Mecca. The city that once rejected his message now embraced Islam, and the Prophet forgave even those who had committed grave atrocities against him and his followers. The Kaaba, cleansed of its idols, became the focal point of Islamic worship.


The final years of Muhammad’s life were dedicated to consolidating the principles of Islam and spreading the message to the wider Arabian Peninsula. He delivered his Farewell Sermon during his last pilgrimage(Hajj), emphasizing the unity of the Muslim community, the sanctity of human life and property, and the equality of all believers.


He said: “O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers.”



Prophet Muhammad’s(pbuh)  life serves as a timeless and universal model for believers, demonstrating humility, compassion, and steadfastness in the face of adversity. His teachings, enshrined in the Quran and the Sunnah (his sayings and actions), offer guidance for individuals and societies in matters of faith, ethics, and governance. For a deeper dive into prophet Muhammad’s Journey


The Prophet(pbuh) passed away in 632 CE, leaving behind a legacy that transcends time and continues to inspire millions around the world. His exemplary life, marked by compassion, justice, and unwavering faith, remains a beacon for those seeking guidance in the journey of life. The message he brought, encapsulated in the Quran, continues to resonate as a source of solace, wisdom, and guidance for believers across the globe.

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