12 Islamic Months with their Meanings

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of twelve months. Each month holds specific cultural and religious significance within Islam.  Muharram (محرّم):  “Forbidden.”  The first month, a time for reflection and spiritual renewal. Marks the beginning of the new year and the Day of Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. Safar (صفر):  “Empty.”  …

Islam vs Hinduism | Similarities and Differences

Islam vs Hinduism (A Brief Exploration of Two Enduring Traditions) Origins and History: Islam: Founded in the 7th century CE by Prophet Muhammad, based on the Quran and teachings of Allah (God). Spread rapidly through trade and conquests, reaching across continents. Hinduism: No single founder or specific origin point. Evolved over millennia in the Indus …

What Does Islam say about Terrorism?

  Islam about Terrorism: Terrorism always involves either the use of violence or the threat of violence to achieve political, religious, or ideological aims. A defining characteristic is the targeting of non-combatants or innocent civilians to instill fear and achieve objectives. Islam unequivocally condemns terrorism and violence against innocent civilians. The sanctity of human life is …

Famous Personalities Converted to Islam

There are countless reasons why people convert to Islam, and individual motivations can vary greatly. Here are some common themes seen in the conversion stories of many individuals: Finding Meaning and Purpose Connecting with the Divine Inner Peace and Harmony Social Values and Justice Equality and Community Famous Personalities Converted to Islam Muhammad Ali (Boxer): Inspired …

Is There Any Life After Death?

Is There Any Life After Death? This is the question that everyone thinks about. And the answer is, Yes. After death there is a endless life. Which will be the field of seeds to be sown in this world. Because, if the journey ends in this world, then the people who were under the influence …

Ali(A.S) Bin Abi Talib | Forth Caliph of Islam

Lion of Allah “Lion of Allah” is a title used to refer to Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.), a central figure in Islam. He was born on 13 Rajab, approximately corresponding to March 17, 599 CE in Mecca, Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was raised in the Prophet’s …

Meaning of Life in Islam

Life in Islam: A Mosaic of Beliefs and Practice Islam, with its 1.9 billion followers worldwide, encompasses a diverse tapestry of beliefs and practices. It’s not a monolithic entity, but rather a rich tradition with multiple interpretations and expressions across cultures and regions.  “Know that the worldly life is only amusement and diversion and [temporary] …

Spread of Islam

The Global Journey of Islam Early Beginnings (7th Century): Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth. Islam experiences higher conversion rates than other religions, particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia. These conversions are attributed to various factors, including active missionary work, demographic shifts, and the perceived social relevance of Islamic values. Islam emerged in the …

Status of Women in Islam and Hinduism

Women: “One who is absolutely stunning, radiant, attractive and eye catching”. Excellence is the elegance in a lady’s heart. It is the graciousness with which she lives and the consideration for others she shows. It is in her giving soul. She aims to make others feel good and gives others encouragement. Comparing the status of …

Jesus in Islam | Miraculous Birth of Jesus

In Islam, Jesus (referred to as Isa) holds a significant and revered position. Here’s a breakdown of how Muslims view him: Jesus/Prophet and Messenger of God: Muslims believe Jesus was a human prophet and messenger chosen by God, just like Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad (PBUH). He is mentioned by name 25 times in the Quran, …

Muslim | Follower of Islam

Beyond Stereotypes: Exploring the Tapestry of Muslim Lives A Muslim is someone who adheres to the teachings of Islam, a monotheistic religion revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Quran and his traditions (Sunnah). Across the globe, over 1.8 billion Muslims weave a vibrant tapestry of cultures, experiences, and perspectives. From the bustling medinas of the …

Polygamy in Islam

Polygamy in Islam: Understanding the Practice and its Context What is polygamy? Polygamy refers to the practice of having multiple spouses at the same time. In most historical and contemporary contexts, this specifically means a man having multiple wives, while polyandry, a woman having multiple husbands, is much less common globally. What does Islam say …

Honor Killing in Islam

Understanding Honor Killings: Not Islamically Sanctioned and a Global Issue   An honor killing is a brutal act of violence, usually committed by male family members, against a female relative perceived to have brought shame or dishonor upon the family. This shame can be associated with refusing an arranged marriage, having premarital sex, or even …

Islam and Modernity

Islam and Modernity: A Tapestry Woven Between Tradition and Transformation Across the vast canvas of time, Islam and modernity have engaged in a dynamic dance, a continuous interplay of tradition and transformation. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the quiet mosques of Tokyo, Muslims grapple with the complexities of embracing new technologies, social changes, …

Islam | Christianity | Judaism, Similarities and Difference

Abrahamic Roots: Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism The world’s religious landscape is adorned with a tapestry of diverse faiths. Among these, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism stand out as the three Abrahamic religions, sharing a rich historical and theological lineage stemming from Prophet Abraham (PBUH). While each religion has evolved into …

Hajj | Pilgrimage to Mecca

The Journey of a Lifetime: Unveiling the Depths and Significance of Hajj Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, transcends a mere pilgrimage; it’s a spiritual odyssey, a physical challenge, and a profound act of submission that resonates through the hearts of over 2 million Muslims annually. This transformative journey to Mecca, the holiest city in …

Zakat | One Pillar of Islam

Zakat(Sowing Seeds of Compassion, Reaping a Harvest of Hope) Zakat, the third pillar of Islam, resonates not just as a religious obligation but as a beacon of compassion, a bridge between wealth and well-being, and a promise of a more just and equitable society. It transcends a mere financial transaction, embodying the essence of sharing, …

Hijab | Hijab in Islam

What is Hijab?  In Islam, women and men are required to dress modestly.  Hijab encourages modesty, both physically and spiritually. When a woman covers her head as per Allah’s command, it is her way of showing her belief in Allah and accepting all his commands. It makes the connection between the Almighty and that woman stronger. …

Difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims

   Shia and Sunni Muslims Both Sunni and Shia Muslims live throughout the world. However, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia all have a significant Sunni population. Countries like Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria are majority or significantly Shia Muslim.   The contrast among Sunni and Shia Muslims started as a political inquiry in Islam’s …