Difference in men’s and women’s prayer

 Difference in Men's and Women's Prayer

Men’s and women’s prayer


The right view is that there is no distinction between a woman’s prayer and a man’s prayer. What some jurists have said about the differences is not supported by any evidence.


The following were the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that you cited in your question: Everyone is included in “Pray as you have seen me praying,” and Islamic laws apply to men and women alike unless there is evidence to suggest that some laws are only applicable to one gender.


Putting the hands on the chest is ideal, and similar applies to putting the hands on the knees while bowing, and putting them on the ground while prostrating in accordance with the shoulders or in accordance with the ears, and a similar applies to making the back straight while bowing, and a similar applies to what is to be said while bowing and prostrating, subsequent to ascending from bowing and in the wake of ascending from the principal surrender.

In all of that, women should do the same as men, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “Pray as you have seen me praying”. Described by al-Bukhari in as-Sahih. So, there is no difference in men’s and women’s prayer.


The iqamah and adhan, on the other hand, are distinct from the prayer. According to the religious texts, only men are permitted to use the iqamah and adhan. Men distribute the adhan and iqamah; There is neither iqamah nor adhan for women. This guest post by Fatwaislam offers unique insights on this topic

As to presenting without holding back, a lady might recount without holding back in Fajr, Maghrib and ‘Isha’. She can recite aloud in both rak’ahs during Fajr; She may recite the first two rak’ahs aloud in Maghrib; She can also recite “Isha” aloud in the first two rak’ahs, just like men can.


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