Ali(A.S) Bin Abi Talib | Forth Caliph of Islam


Lion of Allah

“Lion of Allah” is a title used to refer to Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.), a central figure in Islam. He was born on 13 Rajab, approximately corresponding to March 17, 599 CE in Mecca, Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

He was raised in the Prophet’s household and enjoyed a close relationship with him. Known for his bravery, intellect, and eloquence, Ali converted to Islam at a young age and actively supported the Prophet during the persecution faced by early Muslims.

He played a pivotal role in the migration from Mecca to Medina (Hijra) and participated in numerous battles defending the Muslim community. Both Islamic sects revere Ali’s knowledge, interpretations of scripture, and contributions to Islamic jurisprudence.

Many hadiths attributed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mention Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) and emphasize his importance. While the authenticity and interpretation of certain hadiths vary across different Islamic branches, some widely accepted ones highlight Ali’s unique position and qualities. Here are some notable examples:

Importance and Closeness to the Prophet(PBUH):

 “Whoever loves Ali loves me, and whoever hates Ali hates me.” (Sahih Bukhari)

“I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is its gate.” (Musnad Ahmad)

“Ali was with me in hardships when others were not.” (Tirmidhi)

Ali ascended to the Caliphate during a turbulent period marked by internal conflicts, political assassinations, and tensions with rival groups.

He faced opposition from some companions of the Prophet who favored other candidates or disagreed with his leadership style.

Challenges included rebellions like the Muawiya-led Umayyad faction and the Kharijites who accused him of deviating from Islamic principles.

He opposed practices like nepotism and aimed for fair distribution of resource. He emphasized justice and due process, establishing courts and judges based on merit. He prioritized competence and skill over personal connections in appointing officials.

“No one in this Ummah understands the Quran better than Ali.” (Al-Muwatta)

“Ali is with the right, and the right is with Ali wherever he goes.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

“Seek knowledge even from China, and seek it from Ali even if you dislike him.” (Musnad Ahmad)

The Fatah Khaybar or the Conquest of Khaybar was a significant event in Islamic history that occurred in 628 CE. It was a military campaign led by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) against the Jewish tribes of Khaybar, located in present-day Saudi Arabia.


  • The Jewish tribes of Khaybar had previously broken their treaty with the Muslims and were involved in raids against Muslim settlements.
  • They also posed a threat to the growing Muslim community in Medina.
  • In response, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) decided to launch a military campaign against Khaybar.

The role of Ali (A.S.):

  • Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) played a prominent role in the Fatah Khaybar.
  • He was one of the leading commanders of the Muslim army and distinguished himself in battle.
  • He was also instrumental in the capture of several of the Khaybar forts.

Leadership and Courage:

“I give the flag to whom Allah loves and who loves Allah; to whom Allah grants victory and who grants victory to others.” (Sahih Bukhari) (Referring to Ali, in the Battle of Khaibar)

“Ali is from me, and I am from Ali, and no one knows our merit except Allah.” (Tirmidhi)

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