What Does Islam say about Terrorism?



Islam about Terrorism:

Terrorism always involves either the use of violence or the threat of violence to achieve political, religious, or ideological aims. A defining characteristic is the targeting of non-combatants or innocent civilians to instill fear and achieve objectives.

Islam unequivocally condemns terrorism and violence against innocent civilians. The sanctity of human life is a fundamental principle in Islam. Islam promotes resolving conflicts peacefully and emphasizes justice for all.

Killing an innocent person is considered equivalent to killing all of humanity  Quran [5:32].

Terrorist groups often misinterpret or manipulate religious texts to justify their violence. They disregard fundamental Islamic principles and cherry-pick verses out of context. Extremists exploit individuals facing social, economic, or political marginalization, twisting their understanding of Islam to serve their agenda.

“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.” Quran [2:190]

“Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment. Whoever makes things easy for a person in difficulty, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever conceals the fault of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his fault on the Day of Judgment.(Sahih Muslim)

Denouncing Extremism:  Muslim scholars and communities actively condemn terrorism and work to counter extremist narratives. They emphasize the true message of Islam, promoting peace, compassion, and understanding.

Addressing Root Causes:  Addressing the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty, discrimination, and lack of opportunity, is crucial to effectively combatting it.

Promoting Interfaith Dialogue:  Building bridges between communities and fostering interfaith dialogue can help combat prejudice and hatred.

“The best of people are those who bring benefit to others.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Judging an entire religion based on the actions of a few individuals is inaccurate and harmful.

Analyzing specific events and groups requires considering their historical, political, and social context.

Encouraging critical thinking and media literacy helps individuals analyze information objectively and avoid stereotypes.

“And if two groups of the believers should fight, then make peace between them. But if one of them transgresses against the other, then fight with the one that transgresses until it returns to the obedience of Allah.” Quran [49:9]

“Those who believe and do righteous deeds will have gardens of Paradise, an eternal home, with never a desire to leave them.” Quran [10:26]

“The believer is friendly and sociable, but the hypocrite is grumpy and sullen.” (Sahih Muslim)

Islam condemns terrorism. The Quran and Hadith, core Islamic texts, emphasize peace, justice, and respect for life. Above mentioned Verse like “Whoever kills a soul…it is as if he has killed all mankind” (Quran 5:32) clearly forbid harming innocents. Extremists misinterpret texts, using them to justify violence. True Islam promotes peaceful conflict resolution and denounces terrorism as a violation of its core principles. Understanding this distinction is crucial for accurate representation and collaborative efforts to combat violence.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr. Seuss

  • A feeling of being marginalized or discriminated against
  • A belief that violence is justified in order to achieve political or religious goals
  • A desire for adventure or excitement
  • A lack of education or opportunities

These are the reasons behind someone’s Insurrection. In this case, the government ought to take the appropriate action. The people who do it for no particular reason, aside from the individuals who are compelled to threaten for their right, they ought not be redressed. It will assist with getting freed off from fear based oppressors.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Mahatma Gandhi


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